Squash Black Bean Enchiladas

Uncategorized Nov 07, 2022

These are a great meatless enchilada option, with less cheese and more good stuff than plain old cheese enchiladas!

Click Here to Download Recipe!

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My "KICK-ASS" Philosophy and my "WHY"

Uncategorized May 24, 2022

When I was young, I never thought I was pretty. I was skinny, with skinny legs, no boobs and long, straight hair hair. There was absolutely NOTHING special about me, so it seemed. We were poor. We lived in college housing apartments because my Mom was going to school.  I didn't get to wear the cool and cute clothes. As a matter of fact, we had a building washer and dryer that everyone shared and they took coins to operate. Most days we hung our clothes on the line because we didn't have the money to dry them. We didn't have money, but my Mom believed in having a clean house, clean clothes and good manners.  She taught me how to cook at a young age. Between my older brother and myself, we took care of the cleaning, cooking and watching after our two younger sisters while Mom was either in class, at work or asleep.  It wasn't an easy life, but we somehow managed.

I graduated High School and started attending Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Ok. I got married...

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Greek Turkey Burgers with Spinach and Feta

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2021


1 cup of fresh spinach, chopped

1 pound  of 93% lean ground turkey

1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp dried oregano

1/4 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp ground pepper

1 egg white

1/4 almond flour(this is the magic)!



In a medium to large bowl, combine all ingredients, mix well.

Form into 4 round patties. It helps to keep your hands moist with water.

Place on preheated grill.  

Cook  4-6 minutes per side or until cooked through and burgers are no longer pink in the center.  An instant-read thermometer should read 165 degrees F.

Assemble burgers with veggies and bun of choice.  Or go bun free by using lettuce as your bun.  That's the way I like mine!  I also like to serve with homemade Tzatziki sauce, avocado, and pickles!  I usually add a side of roasted or air-fried sweet potatoes.  So Good!




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Getting Into A Routine

mindfulness motivation May 04, 2021

Let's talk about getting into a routine and why it's important.  Think back to when you were a kid and how much discipline and structure you had.  During the school year, you had to get up early every morning, eat breakfast, do homework after school, eat dinner, brush your teeth, take a bath and go to bed at the same time every day.

Now think about your adult life.  Are you practicing this much discipline and structure in your life right now?  If not, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, frustrated and failing short of your own potential.  It's ok!  We all do it.

For me, I have learned that a consistent routine helps me be more productive and happier!  I like my ducks in a row.  Ask my family!  Here are a few benefits of having your own routine.  Ready?

*Makes us efficient, saves time and saves money.

*Instills good habits while breaking bad ones.

*Helps prioritize, eliminates procrastination, builds momentum,...

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Body Image-The Lies We Tell Ourselves!

First of all, let me start by apologizing to MYSELF and my BODY! 

You see, I haven't always had a great mindset about my body.  I haven't always been kind to myself.  I haven't always been nice to my body.  There are many reasons why I had this "negative" relationship with myself.  Old memories, old tapes playing in my head, things I heard, saw or experienced. Everyone has old tapes!  It's what we DO with those old tapes that determine our path.  How do we "deal" or not "deal" with them?

So, I want to say I'm sorry for the way that I have treated you, body.  I'm sorry for always comparing you to other bodies.  I'm sorry for the way that I have spoken to you.  I'm sorry for making you think that you weren't "good enough".  I'm sorry for thinking you were "too thin" or "too fat".  I'm sorry for looking at your skin, pulling or squeezing it and thinking, "Eeeewwww, that doesn't look good!"

Even after I had my babies, I...

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Chronic Inflammation- how does it affect our body & what can we do about it?

When you hear the word "inflammation", you may instantly think of redness and swelling that happens from things like spraining your ankle or stubbing your toe.  That kind of inflammation is your body doing what it is supposed to do.  It is working to heal an injury.  It's part of our body's immune response. This is normal.  

When inflammation lingers and never fully goes away, this is called Chronic inflammation and can trigger several major health issues.  Such as Heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, depression and premature death,  just to name a few.

Fortunately, we DO have some control of reducing inflammation by eating better foods, reducing or managing stress, improving sleep, and getting more exercise.

Let's talk food! 

Pro-inflammatory foods in our diets include:   highly processed foods(think packaged foods that have long shelf life), fried foods, fatty meats, foods high in sugar,  foods high in sodium,...

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Shifting Your Mindset!

mindfulness Apr 20, 2021

Mindset is a super buzzy word right now, but it isn't "trendy".  What I mean by that is so much of what we are, how we behave, what we accomplish, the goals we attain, the life we live....TRULY is based on our MINDSET! The way we think! 

"Whatever the mind can conceive and BELIEVE, it CAN ACHIEVE!"-Napoleon Hill

Let's look at this just a little deeper.

1st:  Pay attention to your thoughts.  How are you currently thinking?  If you take a few short moments a day to pay attention to your thoughts, you will begin to see patterns.  The goal here is to become better at understanding when they come up and what is the context.  This is the first step in shifting mindset.  It's not about "perfect thinking", it's about being aware.

2nd: Take time each day to pause and reflect, or meditate, set your intentions.  This doesn't have to take long.  Sometimes before I get out of bed, I think about my day and how and what I want to accomplish. ...

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Smoothies!!! How to make them perfect AND good for you!!!

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2021

If you're someone who loves smoothies or you're just trying to make some of your mornings less hectic and get some of the fruits and veggies you need, keep reading!

I've been making smoothies a normal part of my morning  routine for quite some time. I have made some that were fantastic and others, not so much.  Over the years,  I have learned some tricks to make them perfect almost every time.  I want to share them with you.  Here are some of my best tips and tricks to making the perfect smoothie.

Step One:  Add the liquid.  Yes, the liquid goes in first.  This is KEY to blending the perfect smoothie.  By adding the liquid first, you can make sure you aren't adding too much.  If you are making a smoothie for one, start with using a cup of liquid.  After adding the rest of the ingredients, you can add more to make it thinner.  Of course, if you're like me, I almost NEVER make a smoothie for just one....cause I have to make...

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Ways to Get Yourself Motivated to Exercise!

Always remember your WHY. Why do you want to workout?

It's not ALL or NOTHING! Do what you can even if it is not all that you intended.

Schedule your Workouts. Treat it like any other appointment.

Be prepared. Prepare ahead of time for your workout. Eliminate obstacles.

Workout to music that gets you going!

Invite a friend. 


Are you stuck in a rut??!! Need some motivation?  I totally understand - this is what I do for a living!!!  It can be hard to get out of bed in the morning to get a workout in before your work day begins, or to find time and energy at the end of your day! 

Here are some science-backed tips to help get you going:

*It has been proven that music can help "pump you up" for a workout!  According to a study by the National Center for Health Research, listening to music you enjoy can help you get going and help you get more out of your workout.  Try listening to music that matches the workout!  For instance, try cardio with...

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Chewy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

recipes Mar 25, 2021

 These cookies are yummy and you don't have top feel too guilty about eating them, unless you eat them all. of course!

Click Here to Download

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