Getting Into A Routine

mindfulness motivation May 04, 2021

Let's talk about getting into a routine and why it's important.  Think back to when you were a kid and how much discipline and structure you had.  During the school year, you had to get up early every morning, eat breakfast, do homework after school, eat dinner, brush your teeth, take a bath and go to bed at the same time every day.

Now think about your adult life.  Are you practicing this much discipline and structure in your life right now?  If not, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, frustrated and failing short of your own potential.  It's ok!  We all do it.

For me, I have learned that a consistent routine helps me be more productive and happier!  I like my ducks in a row.  Ask my family!  Here are a few benefits of having your own routine.  Ready?

*Makes us efficient, saves time and saves money.

*Instills good habits while breaking bad ones.

*Helps prioritize, eliminates procrastination, builds momentum, self-confidence and helps to achieve your goals.

Let's do a little exercise!  (a writing exercise)

Get a pen and a piece of paper.  Write down one routine that helps you stay active.  If you have a bedtime, write that down too.  Write down just one goal for this week.  Write down a family member or friend that you want to call THIS WEEK and catch up with.   Write down what you do first thing in the morning.  Is this a productive or non-productive habit?  Look at your answers.  Are there some things that you could put into your routine this week?

Here are a few of my routines that help me stay on track and make me more productive.  I wake up and get out of bed when my alarm goes off the first time.  This helps me stay on schedule.  I make my bed because it makes me feel like I have accomplished one of my goals right off the bat.  I get a cup of coffee and look over my list/schedule for the day and prioritize them.  I get my workout done so that nothing gets in the way of my doing it.  I write on my calendar, yes I still use paper.  I also use a white board to write out my goals for the week and  month. I LOVE my white boards!  You may like it as well.  I suggest you get a calendar and/or white board to start writing out your daily and weekly goals. It doesn't have to be long or time consuming.  Just jot them down. 

I know this all sounds like I do it perfectly all the time.  I DON'T!  But I am CONSISTENT!  Believe me, I have curve balls thrown at me ALL THE TIME!  I have to re-adjust, refocus and  keep moving forward.  

I hope this helps!  Sometimes I think about things that I want to share with you and when I read what I wrote,  I wonder, "Does this make sense to anyone except me?"  Anyway...thanks for reading!  Until next time!



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