Ways to Get Yourself Motivated to Exercise!

Always remember your WHY. Why do you want to workout?

It's not ALL or NOTHING! Do what you can even if it is not all that you intended.

Schedule your Workouts. Treat it like any other appointment.

Be prepared. Prepare ahead of time for your workout. Eliminate obstacles.

Workout to music that gets you going!

Invite a friend. 


Are you stuck in a rut??!! Need some motivation?  I totally understand - this is what I do for a living!!!  It can be hard to get out of bed in the morning to get a workout in before your work day begins, or to find time and energy at the end of your day! 

Here are some science-backed tips to help get you going:

*It has been proven that music can help "pump you up" for a workout!  According to a study by the National Center for Health Research, listening to music you enjoy can help you get going and help you get more out of your workout.  Try listening to music that matches the workout!  For instance, try cardio with...

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